outsourced data controller representative (DCR) our service;
It gives business owners access to professionals skilled and experienced in their personal data protection needs rather than in-house personnel.
Organizations residing outside of Turkey that collect or process the personal data of Turkish citizens and/or foreign nationals residing in Turkey are required to appoint a local data controller representative. This representative must be a Turkish citizen residing in Turkey or a Turkish legal entity. in our country personal data protection legislationrequires data controllers to inform the Personal Data Protection Authority about their data processing activities. The representative in question, VERBISIt should complete the reference. This representative can define himself or herself as a contact person on the system, or he can appoint a different contact person who is resident in Turkey and also has Turkish citizenship.
Thanks to our representative service, the Data Controller Representative to be appointed will do the following for you, while at the same time LegislationIt will also support compatibility with . In this context, we will offer you:
1) Being the contact point of the Personal Data Protection Authority
The Data Controller Representative to be appointed acts as a bridge as your communication point with the Institution. While transmitting the requests directed to you by the Personal Data Protection Authority, it also communicates with the Authority on your behalf.
2) To be the party to which Turkish citizens and Turkish residents will be asked questions within the scope of personal data processing processes.
While the designated agent accepts on your behalf any application addressed to you by an individual, KVKK Article 11Along with , it will provide you with an analysis of the details of the application made within the environmental legislation. Not limited to this, it follows that the application made is answered by you within the legal period and directed to the relevant parties and ensures that you fulfill your legal responsibility.
3) VERBIS registration
The representative performs the necessary procedures for registration in the Data Controllers Registry (VERBIS) and completes the necessary information in VERBIS regarding the personal data you process in Turkey through the contact person assigned on behalf of your company. By ensuring continuity within the service, in case of a change in your data processing activities within your company's processes, VERBIS also performs the relevant update.
4) Informing you in line with the updates within the scope of legislative changes
It informs you in Turkish and English about legislative updates, new practices and changes in existing practices regarding the protection of personal data, which is a living process that must be followed at all times. In addition, in line with your obligation to declare to VERBIS, if there are things to be done due to changes in legislation, it will discuss with you and make the necessary arrangements.