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KVKK Awareness Training

One of the most important topics of the KVKK compliance process for Data Controllers is “KVKK Awareness Training”. In-company training records are absolutely required in the event of a data breach originating from the data controller or in the audits that can be made by the Personal Data Protection Authority.

Each data controller who carries out data processing activities should process personal data in accordance with legal regulations and in this process, their employees who are in the position of assistant data controller should gain awareness of data processing in accordance with the law. Among the administrative measures included under the title of administrative and technical measures by the Personal Data Protection Authority, it is stated that employees should receive KVKK Awareness Training.

Failure to comply with administrative and technical measures within the scope of KVKK
up to 2,678,868 TL
result in administrative fines.

KVKK Training and Evaluations

Technological and legal developments in the field of privacy and security have increased the requirements for the Protection of Personal Data both in the world and in Turkey. One of these requirements is training on privacy, security and protection of personal data.

Your brand and commercial presence are among the most important values of your company. All the work we have done in the field of privacy and security and the developments in this field pose a risk as long as they do not spread to all parts of the organization.   


Problems with personal data negatively affect your company's reputation. By reporting data loss to the Personal Data Protection Authority, various violations are made public and disclosed. This brings with it a significant loss of reputation in terms of business.


In order to prevent these risks, awareness should be increased through trainings on the protection of personal data given at all levels. In this way, it is possible to create an end-to-end permanent, consistent, up-to-date privacy and security awareness within the organization.


Trainings to be provided regarding personal data should be organized primarily for senior management and employees. In addition, training can be provided for subcontractors, suppliers and customers to whom data transfer is carried out, if necessary, according to sectoral needs and company workflows.

Our team provides training on privacy and security, technological requirements, data protection concept and awareness, legal rights and obligations in the field of personal data protection, at your workplace or as distance learning. Recording these trainings will be very important for your company during the audits.

These trainings can also be provided in the form of e-learning material (scorm compatible or powerpoint). You can publish e-learning materials on your own portal or you can get this platform service from our company.

Changes made in all kinds of practices, policies and procedures regarding personal data security should also be updated with trainings to be repeated in the future. The important thing is to keep the information on threats to personal data security up to date.

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